class: center, middle # Introduction to Tidyverse .course[450X] .institution[__Stanford University__ Department of Political Science --- Toby Nowacki] --- # Overview 1. Advantages of `tidyverse` 2. Introduction to the `tidyverse` universe 3. The pipe and other operators 4. `dplyr` 5. `tidyr` 6. `purrr` --- # Why not Base R? * Limited amount of functions, often cumbersome ```r df <- data.frame(A = c(1, 2, 3), B = c("A", "B", "C"), C = c("T", "F", "F")) df$D <- c(4, 5, 6) df$E <- c(7, 8, 9) df$F <- df$D - df$E print(df) ``` ``` ## A B C D E F ## 1 1 A T 4 7 -3 ## 2 2 B F 5 8 -3 ## 3 3 C F 6 9 -3 ``` * Looking for a clean, intuitive and readable way to perform multiple operations at once * `data.table` provides a great alternative to tidyverse if you prefer more concise (and somewhat more performant) code --- # The tidyverse Family * .fn_highlight[dplyr]: functions for data manipulation and aggregation * `mutate()`, `select()`, `filter()`, `summarise()`, `arrange()` * .fn_highlight[tidyr]: functions to bring your data into the tidy format * `pivot_longer()`, `pivot_wider()`, `unnest*()`, `separate()`, `unite()` * .fn_highlight[ggplot2]: functions for data visualisation ('grammar of graphics') -- separate workshop on that! * `ggplot()` * .fn_highlight[purrr]: functions for functional programming and avoiding for-loops * `map()` --- # Your best friend, the pipe * `R` comes with a bunch of standard operators: `+`, `-`, etc... * `tidyverse` supplies the pipe: `%>%` * allows you to forward the output from one function straight into another. * Works with both `tidyverse` and other functions ```r out <- c("30", "40", "60") out2 <- as.numeric(out) mean(out2) ``` ``` ## [1] 43.33333 ``` ```r library(tidyverse) c("30", "40", "60") %>% as.numeric %>% mean ``` ``` ## [1] 43.33333 ``` --- # Set intersection * Another useful operator is `%in%`. * Returns a logical vector with `TRUE` when element in first object is also contained in second object. ```r candidates <- c("biden", "warren", "sanders", "buttigieg", "harris") senators <- c("warren", "sanders", "romney", "gilibrand", "schumer") candidates %in% senators ``` ``` ## [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE ``` ```r candidates[which(candidates %in% senators)] ``` ``` ## [1] "warren" "sanders" ``` --- # A classic data aggregation problem .challenge[.challenge_title[Challenge #2.1] Get the mean and standard deviation of flight delays by month ] ```r library(nycflights13) head(flights) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 19 ## year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time ## <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> ## 1 2013 1 1 517 515 2 830 ## 2 2013 1 1 533 529 4 850 ## 3 2013 1 1 542 540 2 923 ## 4 2013 1 1 544 545 -1 1004 ## 5 2013 1 1 554 600 -6 812 ## 6 2013 1 1 554 558 -4 740 ## # … with 12 more variables: sched_arr_time <int>, arr_delay <dbl>, ## # carrier <chr>, flight <int>, tailnum <chr>, origin <chr>, dest <chr>, ## # air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>, minute <dbl>, ## # time_hour <dttm> ``` --- # Base `R` solution ```r mean_list <- list() sd_list <- list() month <- unique(flights$month) for(y in month){ df_sub <- subset(flights, month == y) mean_list[y] <- mean(df_sub$dep_delay, na.rm = T) sd_list[y] <- sd(df_sub$dep_delay, na.rm = T) } unlist(mean_list) ``` ``` ## [1] 10.036665 10.816843 13.227076 13.938038 12.986859 20.846332 21.727787 ## [8] 12.611040 6.722476 6.243988 5.435362 16.576688 ``` ```r unlist(sd_list) ``` ``` ## [1] 36.39031 36.26655 40.13097 42.96626 39.35283 51.45694 51.61608 ## [8] 37.66692 35.61480 29.67176 27.58836 41.87681 ``` --- # `dplyr` solution ```r flights %>% group_by(month) %>% summarise(mean = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 12 x 3 ## month mean sd ## <int> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 10.0 36.4 ## 2 2 10.8 36.3 ## 3 3 13.2 40.1 ## 4 4 13.9 43.0 ## 5 5 13.0 39.4 ## 6 6 20.8 51.5 ## 7 7 21.7 51.6 ## 8 8 12.6 37.7 ## 9 9 6.72 35.6 ## 10 10 6.24 29.7 ## 11 11 5.44 27.6 ## 12 12 16.6 41.9 ``` --- # `dplyr` functions * .fn_highlight[select()] selects given columns from `data.frame` or `tibble` * .fn_highlight[mutate()] adds additional columns * .fn_highlight[filter()] selects rows that satisfy specified condition * .fn_highlight[by_group()] carries out further commands by group * .fn_highlight[summarise()] returns the results of aggregate functions --- # `dplyr` example .challenge[.challenge_title[Example #2.1] Are longer-distance flights more delayed? ] * Maybe yes, because delays 'rack up' and greater risk of unforeseen emergencies with * Maybe no, because longer flights are run by bigger airlines and are more valuable, so are therefore prioritised --- # `dplyr` example Let's only select the variables that we really need: ```r mini_flights <- flights %>% dplyr::select(month, dep_delay, distance, dest, carrier) mini_flights %>% head ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 5 ## month dep_delay distance dest carrier ## <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> ## 1 1 2 1400 IAH UA ## 2 1 4 1416 IAH UA ## 3 1 2 1089 MIA AA ## 4 1 -1 1576 BQN B6 ## 5 1 -6 762 ATL DL ## 6 1 -4 719 ORD UA ``` --- # `dplyr` example Only keep January to March and summarise: ```r agg_flights <- mini_flights %>% mutate(ln_dist = log(distance)) %>% filter(month %in% 1:3) %>% group_by(carrier, month) %>% summarise(mean_del = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE), mean_dist = mean(ln_dist, na.rm = TRUE)) agg_flights ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 46 x 4 ## # Groups: carrier [16] ## carrier month mean_del mean_dist ## <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 9E 1 16.9 5.93 ## 2 9E 2 16.5 5.91 ## 3 9E 3 13.4 5.95 ## 4 AA 1 6.93 7.08 ## 5 AA 2 8.28 7.08 ## 6 AA 3 8.70 7.08 ## 7 AS 1 7.35 7.78 ## 8 AS 2 0.722 7.78 ## 9 AS 3 8.42 7.78 ## 10 B6 1 9.49 6.71 ## # … with 36 more rows ``` --- # `dplyr` example Plot the data points: ```r library(ggplot2) ggplot(agg_flights, aes(x = mean_dist, y = mean_del)) + geom_point(aes(colour = carrier)) + labs(x = "log(Flight distance)", y = "Delay") ``` <!-- --> --- # `tidyr` * Remember the tidy data exercise from last class? * .fn_highlight[pivot_longer()], .fn_highlight[pivot_wider()] for recasting data frames * Sometimes data manipulation or visualisation is much simpler if you recast your data frame! * Can also be combined with `dplyr` calls and pipes --- # `tidyr` example ```r data("mtcars") mtcars %>% head ``` ``` ## mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb ## Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 ## Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 ## Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.320 18.61 1 1 4 1 ## Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1 ## Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2 ## Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22 1 0 3 1 ``` ```r mtcars %>% dplyr::select(mpg, cyl, disp) %>% mutate(cartype = rownames(.)) %>% pivot_longer(mpg:disp) %>% head(., n = 5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## cartype name value ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Mazda RX4 mpg 21 ## 2 Mazda RX4 cyl 6 ## 3 Mazda RX4 disp 160 ## 4 Mazda RX4 Wag mpg 21 ## 5 Mazda RX4 Wag cyl 6 ``` --- # More `tidyverse` things * `tidyverse` functions refer to variable names directly * (the dataframe is already piped in) * `\(\rightarrow\)` more on quotations and quasi-quations in [Advanced R]( * Refer to piped object with .fn_highlight[.] * Refer to a range of variables (in order) with colon .fn_highlight[var1:var4] --- # `purrr` * writing functions avoids repetition and provides clarity, e.g., ```r ols_coefs <- function(x, y){ solve(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% y } x <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6), nrow = 3, ncol = 2) y <- matrix(c(8, 8.5, 0), nrow = 3, ncol = 1) ols_coefs(x, y) ``` ``` ## [,1] ## [1,] -4.978261 ## [2,] 2.869565 ``` --- # `purrr` * applying functions to each row or element can be done with a for-loop or apply family * you've probably done that already * .fn_highlight[map()] family provides even more convenient functions ```r no_list <- list(8, 16, 99) lapply(no_list, sqrt) ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] 2.828427 ## ## [[2]] ## [1] 4 ## ## [[3]] ## [1] 9.949874 ``` --- # `purrr` ```r map(no_list, sqrt) ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] 2.828427 ## ## [[2]] ## [1] 4 ## ## [[3]] ## [1] 9.949874 ``` * Doesn't seem very useful yet... * Range of `map`-type functions in `purrr` that make life a lot easier! * Different `map`-type functions return different object classes (e.g., vector, data.frame...) --- # `purrr` example [Link to GOT Example]( --- ```r library(repurrrsive) got_chars %>% head ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [[1]]$url ## [1] "" ## ## [[1]]$id ## [1] 1022 ## ## [[1]]$name ## [1] "Theon Greyjoy" ## ## [[1]]$gender ## [1] "Male" ## ## [[1]]$culture ## [1] "Ironborn" ## ## [[1]]$born ## [1] "In 278 AC or 279 AC, at Pyke" ## ## [[1]]$died ## [1] "" ## ## [[1]]$alive ## [1] TRUE ## ## [[1]]$titles ## [1] "Prince of Winterfell" ## [2] "Captain of Sea Bitch" ## [3] "Lord of the Iron Islands (by law of the green lands)" ## ## [[1]]$aliases ## [1] "Prince of Fools" "Theon Turncloak" "Reek" "Theon Kinslayer" ## ## [[1]]$father ## [1] "" ## ## [[1]]$mother ## [1] "" ## ## [[1]]$spouse ## [1] "" ## ## [[1]]$allegiances ## [1] "House Greyjoy of Pyke" ## ## [[1]]$books ## [1] "A Game of Thrones" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ## [[1]]$povBooks ## [1] "A Clash of Kings" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ## [[1]]$tvSeries ## [1] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" "Season 5" "Season 6" ## ## [[1]]$playedBy ## [1] "Alfie Allen" ## ## ## [[2]] ## [[2]]$url ## [1] "" ## ## [[2]]$id ## [1] 1052 ## ## [[2]]$name ## [1] "Tyrion Lannister" ## ## [[2]]$gender ## [1] "Male" ## ## [[2]]$culture ## [1] "" ## ## [[2]]$born ## [1] "In 273 AC, at Casterly Rock" ## ## [[2]]$died ## [1] "" ## ## [[2]]$alive ## [1] TRUE ## ## [[2]]$titles ## [1] "Acting Hand of the King (former)" "Master of Coin (former)" ## ## [[2]]$aliases ## [1] "The Imp" "Halfman" "The boyman" ## [4] "Giant of Lannister" "Lord Tywin's Doom" "Lord Tywin's Bane" ## [7] "Yollo" "Hugor Hill" "No-Nose" ## [10] "Freak" "Dwarf" ## ## [[2]]$father ## [1] "" ## ## [[2]]$mother ## [1] "" ## ## [[2]]$spouse ## [1] "" ## ## [[2]]$allegiances ## [1] "House Lannister of Casterly Rock" ## ## [[2]]$books ## [1] "A Feast for Crows" "The World of Ice and Fire" ## ## [[2]]$povBooks ## [1] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" ## [4] "A Dance with Dragons" ## ## [[2]]$tvSeries ## [1] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" "Season 5" "Season 6" ## ## [[2]]$playedBy ## [1] "Peter Dinklage" ## ## ## [[3]] ## [[3]]$url ## [1] "" ## ## [[3]]$id ## [1] 1074 ## ## [[3]]$name ## [1] "Victarion Greyjoy" ## ## [[3]]$gender ## [1] "Male" ## ## [[3]]$culture ## [1] "Ironborn" ## ## [[3]]$born ## [1] "In 268 AC or before, at Pyke" ## ## [[3]]$died ## [1] "" ## ## [[3]]$alive ## [1] TRUE ## ## [[3]]$titles ## [1] "Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet" "Master of the Iron Victory" ## ## [[3]]$aliases ## [1] "The Iron Captain" ## ## [[3]]$father ## [1] "" ## ## [[3]]$mother ## [1] "" ## ## [[3]]$spouse ## [1] "" ## ## [[3]]$allegiances ## [1] "House Greyjoy of Pyke" ## ## [[3]]$books ## [1] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" ## ## [[3]]$povBooks ## [1] "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ## [[3]]$tvSeries ## [1] "" ## ## [[3]]$playedBy ## [1] "" ## ## ## [[4]] ## [[4]]$url ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$id ## [1] 1109 ## ## [[4]]$name ## [1] "Will" ## ## [[4]]$gender ## [1] "Male" ## ## [[4]]$culture ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$born ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$died ## [1] "In 297 AC, at Haunted Forest" ## ## [[4]]$alive ## [1] FALSE ## ## [[4]]$titles ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$aliases ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$father ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$mother ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$spouse ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$allegiances ## list() ## ## [[4]]$books ## [1] "A Clash of Kings" ## ## [[4]]$povBooks ## [1] "A Game of Thrones" ## ## [[4]]$tvSeries ## [1] "" ## ## [[4]]$playedBy ## [1] "Bronson Webb" ## ## ## [[5]] ## [[5]]$url ## [1] "" ## ## [[5]]$id ## [1] 1166 ## ## [[5]]$name ## [1] "Areo Hotah" ## ## [[5]]$gender ## [1] "Male" ## ## [[5]]$culture ## [1] "Norvoshi" ## ## [[5]]$born ## [1] "In 257 AC or before, at Norvos" ## ## [[5]]$died ## [1] "" ## ## [[5]]$alive ## [1] TRUE ## ## [[5]]$titles ## [1] "Captain of the Guard at Sunspear" ## ## [[5]]$aliases ## [1] "" ## ## [[5]]$father ## [1] "" ## ## [[5]]$mother ## [1] "" ## ## [[5]]$spouse ## [1] "" ## ## [[5]]$allegiances ## [1] "House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear" ## ## [[5]]$books ## [1] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" ## ## [[5]]$povBooks ## [1] "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ## [[5]]$tvSeries ## [1] "Season 5" "Season 6" ## ## [[5]]$playedBy ## [1] "DeObia Oparei" ## ## ## [[6]] ## [[6]]$url ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$id ## [1] 1267 ## ## [[6]]$name ## [1] "Chett" ## ## [[6]]$gender ## [1] "Male" ## ## [[6]]$culture ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$born ## [1] "At Hag's Mire" ## ## [[6]]$died ## [1] "In 299 AC, at Fist of the First Men" ## ## [[6]]$alive ## [1] FALSE ## ## [[6]]$titles ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$aliases ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$father ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$mother ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$spouse ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$allegiances ## list() ## ## [[6]]$books ## [1] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" ## ## [[6]]$povBooks ## [1] "A Storm of Swords" ## ## [[6]]$tvSeries ## [1] "" ## ## [[6]]$playedBy ## [1] "" ``` --- ```r library(repurrrsive) got_chars %>% str ``` ``` ## List of 30 ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1022 ## ..$ name : chr "Theon Greyjoy" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Ironborn" ## ..$ born : chr "In 278 AC or 279 AC, at Pyke" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:3] "Prince of Winterfell" "Captain of Sea Bitch" "Lord of the Iron Islands (by law of the green lands)" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:4] "Prince of Fools" "Theon Turncloak" "Reek" "Theon Kinslayer" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Greyjoy of Pyke" ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Game of Thrones" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:2] "A Clash of Kings" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Alfie Allen" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1052 ## ..$ name : chr "Tyrion Lannister" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "" ## ..$ born : chr "In 273 AC, at Casterly Rock" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:2] "Acting Hand of the King (former)" "Master of Coin (former)" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:11] "The Imp" "Halfman" "The boyman" "Giant of Lannister" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Lannister of Casterly Rock" ## ..$ books : chr [1:2] "A Feast for Crows" "The World of Ice and Fire" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Peter Dinklage" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1074 ## ..$ name : chr "Victarion Greyjoy" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Ironborn" ## ..$ born : chr "In 268 AC or before, at Pyke" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:2] "Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet" "Master of the Iron Victory" ## ..$ aliases : chr "The Iron Captain" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Greyjoy of Pyke" ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:2] "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1109 ## ..$ name : chr "Will" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "" ## ..$ born : chr "" ## ..$ died : chr "In 297 AC, at Haunted Forest" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "" ## ..$ aliases : chr "" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: list() ## ..$ books : chr "A Clash of Kings" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Game of Thrones" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Bronson Webb" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1166 ## ..$ name : chr "Areo Hotah" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Norvoshi" ## ..$ born : chr "In 257 AC or before, at Norvos" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "Captain of the Guard at Sunspear" ## ..$ aliases : chr "" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear" ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:2] "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:2] "Season 5" "Season 6" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "DeObia Oparei" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1267 ## ..$ name : chr "Chett" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "" ## ..$ born : chr "At Hag's Mire" ## ..$ died : chr "In 299 AC, at Fist of the First Men" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "" ## ..$ aliases : chr "" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: list() ## ..$ books : chr [1:2] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Storm of Swords" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1295 ## ..$ name : chr "Cressen" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "" ## ..$ born : chr "In 219 AC or 220 AC" ## ..$ died : chr "In 299 AC, at Dragonstone" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "Maester" ## ..$ aliases : chr "" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: list() ## ..$ books : chr [1:2] "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Clash of Kings" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "Season 2" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Oliver Ford" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 130 ## ..$ name : chr "Arianne Martell" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Dornish" ## ..$ born : chr "In 276 AC, at Sunspear" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "Princess of Dorne" ## ..$ aliases : chr "" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear" ## ..$ books : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1303 ## ..$ name : chr "Daenerys Targaryen" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Valyrian" ## ..$ born : chr "In 284 AC, at Dragonstone" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:5] "Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms" "Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea" "Breaker of Shackles/Chains" "Queen of Meereen" ... ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:11] "Dany" "Daenerys Stormborn" "The Unburnt" "Mother of Dragons" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Targaryen of King's Landing" ## ..$ books : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Emilia Clarke" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 1319 ## ..$ name : chr "Davos Seaworth" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Westeros" ## ..$ born : chr "In 260 AC or before, at King's Landing" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:4] "Ser" "Lord of the Rainwood" "Admiral of the Narrow Sea" "Hand of the King" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:5] "Onion Knight" "Davos Shorthand" "Ser Onions" "Onion Lord" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr [1:2] "House Baratheon of Dragonstone" "House Seaworth of Cape Wrath" ## ..$ books : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:3] "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:5] "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" "Season 5" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Liam Cunningham" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 148 ## ..$ name : chr "Arya Stark" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Northmen" ## ..$ born : chr "In 289 AC, at Winterfell" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "Princess" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:16] "Arya Horseface" "Arya Underfoot" "Arry" "Lumpyface" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Stark of Winterfell" ## ..$ books : list() ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:5] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ... ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Maisie Williams" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 149 ## ..$ name : chr "Arys Oakheart" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Reach" ## ..$ born : chr "At Old Oak" ## ..$ died : chr "In 300 AC, at the Greenblood" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "Ser" ## ..$ aliases : chr "" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Oakheart of Old Oak" ## ..$ books : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 150 ## ..$ name : chr "Asha Greyjoy" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Ironborn" ## ..$ born : chr "In 275 AC or 276 AC, at Pyke" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:3] "Princess" "Captain of the Black Wind" "Conqueror of Deepwood Motte" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:2] "Esgred" "The Kraken's Daughter" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr [1:2] "House Greyjoy of Pyke" "House Ironmaker" ## ..$ books : chr [1:2] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:2] "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:3] "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Gemma Whelan" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 168 ## ..$ name : chr "Barristan Selmy" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Westeros" ## ..$ born : chr "In 237 AC" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:2] "Ser" "Hand of the Queen" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:5] "Barristan the Bold" "Arstan Whitebeard" "Ser Grandfather" "Barristan the Old" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr [1:2] "House Selmy of Harvest Hall" "House Targaryen of King's Landing" ## ..$ books : chr [1:5] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ... ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:4] "Season 1" "Season 3" "Season 4" "Season 5" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Ian McElhinney" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 2066 ## ..$ name : chr "Varamyr" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Free Folk" ## ..$ born : chr "At a village Beyond the Wall" ## ..$ died : chr "In 300 AC, at a village Beyond the Wall" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:3] "Varamyr Sixskins" "Haggon" "Lump" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: list() ## ..$ books : chr "A Storm of Swords" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 208 ## ..$ name : chr "Brandon Stark" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Northmen" ## ..$ born : chr "In 290 AC, at Winterfell" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "Prince of Winterfell" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:3] "Bran" "Bran the Broken" "The Winged Wolf" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Stark of Winterfell" ## ..$ books : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:5] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Isaac Hempstead-Wright" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 216 ## ..$ name : chr "Brienne of Tarth" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "" ## ..$ born : chr "In 280 AC" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:3] "The Maid of Tarth" "Brienne the Beauty" "Brienne the Blue" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr [1:3] "House Baratheon of Storm's End" "House Stark of Winterfell" "House Tarth of Evenfall Hall" ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:5] "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" "Season 5" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Gwendoline Christie" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 232 ## ..$ name : chr "Catelyn Stark" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Rivermen" ## ..$ born : chr "In 264 AC, at Riverrun" ## ..$ died : chr "In 299 AC, at the Twins" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "Lady of Winterfell" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:5] "Catelyn Tully" "Lady Stoneheart" "The Silent Sistet" "Mother Mercilesr" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr [1:2] "House Stark of Winterfell" "House Tully of Riverrun" ## ..$ books : chr [1:2] "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:3] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:3] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Michelle Fairley" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 238 ## ..$ name : chr "Cersei Lannister" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Westerman" ## ..$ born : chr "In 266 AC, at Casterly Rock" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:5] "Light of the West" "Queen Dowager" "Protector of the Realm" "Lady of Casterly Rock" ... ## ..$ aliases : list() ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Lannister of Casterly Rock" ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:2] "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Lena Headey" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 339 ## ..$ name : chr "Eddard Stark" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Northmen" ## ..$ born : chr "In 263 AC, at Winterfell" ## ..$ died : chr "In 299 AC, at Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:5] "Lord of Winterfell" "Warden of the North" "Hand of the King" "Protector of the Realm" ... ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:3] "Ned" "The Ned" "The Quiet Wolf" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Stark of Winterfell" ## ..$ books : chr [1:5] "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ... ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Game of Thrones" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:2] "Season 1" "Season 6" ## ..$ playedBy : chr [1:3] "Sean Bean" "Sebastian Croft" "Robert Aramayo" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 529 ## ..$ name : chr "Jaime Lannister" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Westerlands" ## ..$ born : chr "In 266 AC, at Casterly Rock" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:3] "Ser" "Lord Commander of the Kingsguard" "Warden of the East (formerly)" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:4] "The Kingslayer" "The Lion of Lannister" "The Young Lion" "Cripple" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Lannister of Casterly Rock" ## ..$ books : chr [1:2] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:3] "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:5] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 576 ## ..$ name : chr "Jon Connington" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Stormlands" ## ..$ born : chr "In or between 263 AC and 265 AC" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:3] "Lord of Griffin's Roost" "Hand of the King" "Hand of the True King" ## ..$ aliases : chr "Griffthe Mad King's Hand" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr [1:2] "House Connington of Griffin's Roost" "House Targaryen of King's Landing" ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" "The World of Ice and Fire" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 583 ## ..$ name : chr "Jon Snow" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Northmen" ## ..$ born : chr "In 283 AC" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "Lord Commander of the Night's Watch" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:8] "Lord Snow" "Ned Stark's Bastard" "The Snow of Winterfell" "The Crow-Come-Over" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Stark of Winterfell" ## ..$ books : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Kit Harington" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 60 ## ..$ name : chr "Aeron Greyjoy" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Ironborn" ## ..$ born : chr "In or between 269 AC and 273 AC, at Pyke" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:2] "Priest of the Drowned God" "Captain of the Golden Storm (formerly)" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:2] "The Damphair" "Aeron Damphair" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Greyjoy of Pyke" ## ..$ books : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "Season 6" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Michael Feast" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 605 ## ..$ name : chr "Kevan Lannister" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "" ## ..$ born : chr "In 244 AC" ## ..$ died : chr "In 300 AC, at King's Landing" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr [1:4] "Ser" "Master of laws" "Lord Regent" "Protector of the Realm" ## ..$ aliases : chr "" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Lannister of Casterly Rock" ## ..$ books : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:4] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 5" "Season 6" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Ian Gelder" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 743 ## ..$ name : chr "Melisandre" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Asshai" ## ..$ born : chr "At Unknown" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:5] "The Red Priestess" "The Red Woman" "The King's Red Shadow" "Lady Red" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: list() ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:5] "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" "Season 5" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Carice van Houten" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 751 ## ..$ name : chr "Merrett Frey" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Rivermen" ## ..$ born : chr "In 262 AC" ## ..$ died : chr "In 300 AC, at Near Oldstones" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "" ## ..$ aliases : chr "Merrett Muttonhead" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Frey of the Crossing" ## ..$ books : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Feast for Crows" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Storm of Swords" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 844 ## ..$ name : chr "Quentyn Martell" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Dornish" ## ..$ born : chr "In 281 AC, at Sunspear, Dorne" ## ..$ died : chr "In 300 AC, at Meereen" ## ..$ alive : logi FALSE ## ..$ titles : chr "Prince" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:4] "Frog" "Prince Frog" "The prince who came too late" "The Dragonrider" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear" ## ..$ books : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ povBooks : chr "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr "" ## ..$ playedBy : chr "" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 954 ## ..$ name : chr "Samwell Tarly" ## ..$ gender : chr "Male" ## ..$ culture : chr "Andal" ## ..$ born : chr "In 283 AC, at Horn Hill" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:7] "Sam" "Ser Piggy" "Prince Pork-chop" "Lady Piggy" ... ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr "House Tarly of Horn Hill" ## ..$ books : chr [1:3] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:2] "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "John Bradley-West" ## $ :List of 18 ## ..$ url : chr "" ## ..$ id : int 957 ## ..$ name : chr "Sansa Stark" ## ..$ gender : chr "Female" ## ..$ culture : chr "Northmen" ## ..$ born : chr "In 286 AC, at Winterfell" ## ..$ died : chr "" ## ..$ alive : logi TRUE ## ..$ titles : chr "Princess" ## ..$ aliases : chr [1:3] "Little bird" "Alayne Stone" "Jonquil" ## ..$ father : chr "" ## ..$ mother : chr "" ## ..$ spouse : chr "" ## ..$ allegiances: chr [1:2] "House Baelish of Harrenhal" "House Stark of Winterfell" ## ..$ books : chr "A Dance with Dragons" ## ..$ povBooks : chr [1:4] "A Game of Thrones" "A Clash of Kings" "A Storm of Swords" "A Feast for Crows" ## ..$ tvSeries : chr [1:6] "Season 1" "Season 2" "Season 3" "Season 4" ... ## ..$ playedBy : chr "Sophie Turner" ``` --- .challenge[.challenge_title[Challenge #2.2] Get the names of all characters in the dataframe. ] --- .challenge[.challenge_title[Challenge #2.2] Get the names of all characters in the dataframe. ] ```r got_chars %>% map("name") ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] "Theon Greyjoy" ## ## [[2]] ## [1] "Tyrion Lannister" ## ## [[3]] ## [1] "Victarion Greyjoy" ## ## [[4]] ## [1] "Will" ## ## [[5]] ## [1] "Areo Hotah" ## ## [[6]] ## [1] "Chett" ## ## [[7]] ## [1] "Cressen" ## ## [[8]] ## [1] "Arianne Martell" ## ## [[9]] ## [1] "Daenerys Targaryen" ## ## [[10]] ## [1] "Davos Seaworth" ## ## [[11]] ## [1] "Arya Stark" ## ## [[12]] ## [1] "Arys Oakheart" ## ## [[13]] ## [1] "Asha Greyjoy" ## ## [[14]] ## [1] "Barristan Selmy" ## ## [[15]] ## [1] "Varamyr" ## ## [[16]] ## [1] "Brandon Stark" ## ## [[17]] ## [1] "Brienne of Tarth" ## ## [[18]] ## [1] "Catelyn Stark" ## ## [[19]] ## [1] "Cersei Lannister" ## ## [[20]] ## [1] "Eddard Stark" ## ## [[21]] ## [1] "Jaime Lannister" ## ## [[22]] ## [1] "Jon Connington" ## ## [[23]] ## [1] "Jon Snow" ## ## [[24]] ## [1] "Aeron Greyjoy" ## ## [[25]] ## [1] "Kevan Lannister" ## ## [[26]] ## [1] "Melisandre" ## ## [[27]] ## [1] "Merrett Frey" ## ## [[28]] ## [1] "Quentyn Martell" ## ## [[29]] ## [1] "Samwell Tarly" ## ## [[30]] ## [1] "Sansa Stark" ``` --- .challenge[.challenge_title[Challenge #2.2] Get the names of all characters in the dataframe. ] ```r got_chars %>% map_chr("name") ``` ``` ## [1] "Theon Greyjoy" "Tyrion Lannister" "Victarion Greyjoy" ## [4] "Will" "Areo Hotah" "Chett" ## [7] "Cressen" "Arianne Martell" "Daenerys Targaryen" ## [10] "Davos Seaworth" "Arya Stark" "Arys Oakheart" ## [13] "Asha Greyjoy" "Barristan Selmy" "Varamyr" ## [16] "Brandon Stark" "Brienne of Tarth" "Catelyn Stark" ## [19] "Cersei Lannister" "Eddard Stark" "Jaime Lannister" ## [22] "Jon Connington" "Jon Snow" "Aeron Greyjoy" ## [25] "Kevan Lannister" "Melisandre" "Merrett Frey" ## [28] "Quentyn Martell" "Samwell Tarly" "Sansa Stark" ``` --- .challenge[.challenge_title[Challenge #2.3] Assemble a dataframe with all the key information. ] --- .challenge[.challenge_title[Challenge #2.3] Assemble a dataframe with all the key information. ] ```r library(magrittr) got_chars %>% map_dfr(extract, c("name", "culture", "gender", "born", "alive")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 30 x 5 ## name culture gender born alive ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> ## 1 Theon Greyjoy Ironbo… Male In 278 AC or 279 AC, at Pyke TRUE ## 2 Tyrion Lannister "" Male In 273 AC, at Casterly Rock TRUE ## 3 Victarion Greyjoy Ironbo… Male In 268 AC or before, at Pyke TRUE ## 4 Will "" Male "" FALSE ## 5 Areo Hotah Norvos… Male In 257 AC or before, at Norvos TRUE ## 6 Chett "" Male At Hag's Mire FALSE ## 7 Cressen "" Male In 219 AC or 220 AC FALSE ## 8 Arianne Martell Dornish Female In 276 AC, at Sunspear TRUE ## 9 Daenerys Targary… Valyri… Female In 284 AC, at Dragonstone TRUE ## 10 Davos Seaworth Wester… Male In 260 AC or before, at King's L… TRUE ## # … with 20 more rows ``` --- # Conclusion * Base R is *sufficient*, but often not very comfortable. * `tidyverse` provides a useful array of functions to help us out. * The pipe, `%>%`, allows for combining multiple data wrangling operations into one workflow. * As always, pick whatever method works best for your specific problem: `tidyverse` might not always be the best!