class: center, middle # Section VII: LDA and Text Scraping .course[450C] .institution[__Stanford University__ Department of Political Science --- Toby Nowacki Zuhad Hai] --- --- # Overview 1. Overview 2. Midterm Recap 3. Latent Dirichlet Allocation 4. Text Scraping using rvest --- # Midterm Recap * Everyone did well! * Mean of 86 * Median of 88.5 --- # Midterm Recap * The variance-bias tradeoff is inherent in **any** model that we fit. * Whether we prioritise reducing MSE or Bias depends entirely on the task at hand * In causal inference, we still care a lot about the bias term. * Model choice will depend on whether we want to infer effect size ( `\(\hat{\beta}\)` ) or make good predictions ( `\(\hat{y}\)` ). * Machine Learning is *not* a panacea to all of our problems * Fitting the same model (e.g., LASSO) with slightly different options can give you very different results! --- # Latent Dirichlet Allocation * The idea is to build a hierarchical model to predict probabilities of each document belonging to different clusters. * LDA setup is very notation-heavy. (Notation slightly different from Justin's slides) * We have `\(K\)` topics, `\(M\)` documents, `\(1, \ldots, i, \ldots, N\)` words in each document `$$\begin{align*} \underset{1 \times K}{\alpha} \\ \underset{1 \times K}{\theta_m} & \sim \mathrm{Dir}(\underset{1 \times K}{\alpha}) \\ \underset{1 \times K}{z_{im}} | \underset{1 \times K}{\theta_m} & \sim \mathrm{Multinomial}(\underset{1 \times K}{\theta_m}) \\ \underset{1 \times N}{\beta_k} & \sim \mathrm{Dir}(\mathbf{1}) \\ \underset{1 \times 1}{x_{im}} | \underset{1 \times N}{\beta_k}, z_{imk} = 1 & \sim \mathrm{Multinomial}( \underset{1 \times N}{\beta_k} ) \end{align*}$$` --- # Latent Dirichlet Allocation (cont'd) * We can depict the hierarchy using a more intuitive setting: <img src="lda_intuition.jpeg" width="70%" /> --- # Latent Dirichlet Allocation (cont'd) * Let's formalise the process a little bit, using plate notation. <img src="lda_plate.jpeg" width="70%" /> --- # Latent Dirichlet Allocation (cont'd) * `\(\theta_m\)` (what Justin calls `\(\pi_i\)` in his slides) is the vector that describes the probability of a document belonging to each topic. * `\(\beta_{k}\)` (what Justin calls `\(\theta_k\)` in his slides) is the vector that describes the probability of word `\(i\)` conditional on topic `\(k\)`. * We have the theoretical model -- how do we compute these quantities? * Joint posterior can be approximated using Gibbs sampling. * `\(\rightarrow\)` far deeper dive into material in 450D (Bayesian statistics) * The neat feature of LDA is that topics and words are interdependent! --- # Application: Brexit-related speeches in British Parliament * To the Code! `\(\rightarrow\)` `EXAMPLE (Brexit LDA)` --- # How to Get Text (Or Other Data)? * Scrape from websites * use `beautifulSoup` in Python or `rvest` in `R` * easiest if provided data are accessible * with large datasets, hard to do (timeout and bandwidth problems) * scraping is significantly easier if you can discover regularities in the source data `\(\rightarrow\)` `EXAMPLE (local elections)` --- # How to Get Text (Or Other Data)? (cont'd) * Example use case for `rvest`: ``` library(rvest) lego_movie <- read_html("") rating <- lego_movie %>% html_nodes("strong span") %>% html_text() %>% as.numeric() rating #> [1] 7.8 cast <- lego_movie %>% html_nodes("#titleCast .primary_photo img") %>% html_attr("alt") cast #> [1] "Will Arnett" "Elizabeth Banks" "Craig Berry" #> [4] "Alison Brie" "David Burrows" "Anthony Daniels" #> [7] "Charlie Day" "Amanda Farinos" "Keith Ferguson" #> [10] "Will Ferrell" "Will Forte" "Dave Franco" #> [13] "Morgan Freeman" "Todd Hansen" "Jonah Hill" ``` --- # How to Get Text (Or Other Data)? (cont'd) * Scrape from pdfs * if text is machine-readable, use `pdftools` or `tabula` * if text is not recognised, use OCR software (e.g., `FineReader`) * Bottom line: Original data easy to get once you're familiar with the tools!